HighCom’s Guardian 4s17m Plates & Trooper CAP Plate Carrier Get Tested to the Extreme in this Review!

HighCom recently partnered up with a former 35F Army Intelligence Analyst, who among other things, has turned gear, firearms, equipment, and accessories reviewer with the pen name Rat Bastard from Veteran run gear review site RatBastardReviews.blogspot.com, to test out and review our Level IV Guardian 4s17m™ hard armor plates with the Trooper CAP™ Carrier, which is also offered as a RAK CAP (Rifle Armor Kit), to provide a real-world account of what wearing this armor package entails for the end user. And when we say ‘real-world’, we mean, ‘extreme by a Military style kind of testing environment that was put under some pretty incredible conditions’ type of ‘real-world’. Whew.

Photo Credit: Rat Bastard
Photo Credit: Rat Bastard
Photo Credit: Rat Bastard

Review Overview

Veteran Rat Bastard’s review offers extensive detail into what the end user will experience in terms of the comfort and overall experience in wear over a duration of time. He details package configurations, construction, and design, including describing his experience of kitting the carrier with “4 AK mags, 2 M9 mags, and a knife without it feeling cluttered, obstructing prone shooting, or causing discomfort while belly down.” He even gives mention to the testing period and course the carrier and plates were put through, taking its performance to the extreme through a “4-mile hike through swamps, suicides, push-ups, jogging, shooting from standing position, and evac car drills,” to really offer up a story of what it would be like wearing the CAP Carrier with 4s17m plates in the most extreme conditions.

I Call It Lightweight

The product review is slightly angled towards the civilian armor wearer yet is relevant to operators who use body armor in their line of work as well. The mention of his background wearing armor systems in the Army that “most civilians would laugh at like the Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) and the Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) systems that can weigh up to 35 lbs when fully kitted!” put everything into perspective, and, when he says the carrier with plates weighing in at a mere 7.5 lbs is light weight, we might agree with him on his questioning his “bias” on the definition of “weight” in body armor!

He does include Law Enforcement and Security officers who could also benefit from this review, as he puts the armor through some serious testing conditions during Florida’s hurricane season!

Body Armor Reviews are Critical

Special Ops, Special Forces, and other tactical teams in Law Enforcement and the Military will largely have a very different requirement in body armor versus civilian wearers, yet the same end result needs to occur for anyone wearing body armor – the armor system has to perform up to its advertised claims and statements.

We all know the weight reviews carry in terms of buying products, and it couldn’t be truer or more important, in terms of body armor and personal protective gear. Not only do reviews and testimonials help buyers make informed decisions, but body armor claims and statements on protections against threats and ammunition, ratings, compliances, certifications, testing results, and materials used, all accumulate into whether or not a life is saved. False narratives and fake claims are dangerous in this industry, so honest product reviews and real-world testimonials are critical components for safe purchasing in the marketplace.

Photo Credit: Rat Bastard
Photo Credit: Rat Bastard
Photo Credit: Rat Bastard

Potential buyers need to ensure they do their research prior to purchasing armor, and it’s product reviews like this one from Rat Bastard that offer up the necessary information for buyers to make those informed decisions for their body armor purchasing. Thanks again Rat Bastard!

Read the Review

To read the full review, visit RatBastardReview.blogspot.com to get all the intel on this highly valuable and honest review from Rat Bastard. You can also find and follow him on Instagram!

Want to Learn More?

For more information on these products, you can check out the Trooper CAP or RAK CAP and the Guardian 4s17m plates on our website or visit our How to Buy page top find a local dealer or online retailer.
